Lifestyle Made Simple

Media + More
I'm so excited to share what I've been working on!!
Check out my latest and upcoming projects!

Stoney Creek Hotels
I'm so excited to share my very first commercial!! This was such a memorable experience and it changed me!
It made me realize that things that are fun and fill your cup are worth pursuing!! Huge thank you to Director, Caleb Bonanno who took a chance on this girl with ZERO experience!
On Air with Kate Butler
I was so honored to be a guest of Kate Butler's Podcast: On Air with Kate Butler! We talk about what is possible when you release fear and say YES!
To can listen on Buzzsprout, iTunes, iHeartRadio, Spotify, and more click here and to watch this podcast on video click here! Thanks for listening!!

Inspired Impact Magazine
I am so excited to share my feature and COVER with Inspired Impact Magazine!!
Check it out here and get to know me a little better!

Grow Your Hustle Podcast
I was so excited to talk with Jennifer in this episode of the Grow Your Side Hustle podcast. We talk about the challenges of managing a day job, being a mom, and making time to grow your side hustle!
To listen, click here
Moments that Matter
I was honored to be a part of this collaborative effort!
Check out my featured copy of Moments That Matter and read my story, Forget Fear.
You can learn more about it here and get your own copy here.

Coming Soon
Simply Chatting Podcast
I can't wait to really dig in on this project!! The goal is for you to feel like you're chatting with friends! We'll talk about anything and everything in hopes you can relate and find a real connection! We'll have guests, a variety of topics and more!
In the works
Magazine & Podcast Features
I've been lucky enough to be featured in magazine articles and podcast and other media interviews as well as other fun media projects!
As soon as they are out - I'll update you here!!