For those that are new here, my name is Marisa and I’m so excited you’re here!!
I’m married with 4 kids ~ 2 human & 2 dog. I love books, coffee, travel, shopping, spending time with family, my girlfriends, and all things pretty!! If we’re being honest I also really love sleep and sweatpants!!
It's been quite the journey to get here and I'm just getting started! When the pandemic hit it really showed me what was valuable to me ~ my family and my friends ~ everything else is just a bonus!!
I've always been a shopper and a lover of all things beauty and style!! As the world started to open up I decided to try something new and join MK - with that came a VIP Group which showed me how much I LOVE connecting with people in the online space!! From there I created a Facebook Page and Instagram Account which back then was call Simply Beautiful - that's all I wanted, to show people the simple beauty in life and throw in some make up tips here and there.
As this grew I wanted to see someone like myself online that I could relate to. I'm a midwestern girl from KC who loves style, beauty and fashion. I wanted to see style and beauty tips that fit me and my friends! I love a glam look but it's just not always needed or practical here. I wanted to see style inspo for a normal body and outfits that I could wear to work but not be overdressed to see my kids play sports. I wanted to see style that I could take from said sports game to a night out with the girls. I wanted practical, fun, and stylish ~ make it comfy and I'm SOLD!! From here I decided to start a TikTok account to be able to do just that!
The best part?! I've made some great friendships by connecting with other people online. It's so cool to see how other people are making their dreams come true and turning their hobbies and passions into their full time gigs, how some people are just sharing their life with the world, and how some people are just creating beautiful online journals.
Join me over on my socials and follow along, you'll find tons of shopping deals on my Facebook page (updated daily), join the VIP Group for beauty tips and exclusives and a positive community of AMAZING women, join me on Instagram for some easy beauty and style inspo ~ my stories and highlights are full of my fav deals, and join me over on TikTok for hauls, reviews and so much more!!
Through all of this I'm learning that there are dreams I didn't know I had, passions I didn't know existed and I'm having the most fun exploring them!! Take the risk, make that trip, eat the cake - do all the things!! Live your life for YOU and watch what amazing things can happen!
xo ~ Marisa
